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Pleiderer Deutchland GmbH

Pfleiderer is a German leading manufacturer of premium engineered wood products, laminates and resins.

Pfleiderer –  is a strong partner for high-quality wood-based panels, with outstanding decorative surface expertise, customer-focused service and a consistent orientation to sustainability – economical, ecological and social.

Through its Engineered Wood Products division, the company produces and offers premium wood and laminate products for fast-growing, high-end applications in the Western European kitchen, furniture and construction markets.

Pfleiderer is headquartered in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Germany, and employs around 2,200 staff primarily across five sites in Germany and one resin production site in Poland. 

Pfleiderer has a local Nordic sales team, situated in Skåne region,  that speaks Swedish, Norwegian and Danish and can assist upon any inquiries. 

The company has operated for over 125 years with sustainability and the renewable nature of wood at its core, with a strong focus on sustainable sourcing and manufacturing, reducing carbon emissions and protecting the environment.

Pleiderer Deutchland GmbH
Ingolstädter Str 51
92318 Neumarkt
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