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Recab AB

Recab Enabling World Class Applications
Since the foundation of Recab in 1996 in Sweden, the company has grown to reach beyond its homeland’s boarders within Edge to Cloud within Embedded Systems, Industrial Data Communication & Sensors & Vision

Recab provides products and complete solutions for:
Automation & Manufacturing, Transportation & Railway, Energy & Water, Defense & Avionics and Maritime & Offshore.

With products within sensors, vision, ID, industrial data communication, standard computers and custom engineered computer systems our solutions reaches from edge to cloud.

We have offices and integration centers in:

  •  Sweden (Hägersten, Eskilstuna, Kista, Linköping, Göteborg)
  • Norway (Hamar & Oslo)
  • Denmark (Copenhagen)

Recab has the unique opportunity to assist our customers close to their location and therethrough reduce costs and unnecessary transportation

The best fitted solutions for the customer
We provide the best fitted solutions for the customer application at a minimum of risk.

We provide our customers with both standard and custom off the shelf products from leading international suppliers within a variety of industries.

In addition to products we at Recab supply our customers with services ranging from project management to development, system integration, certification, installation, training and product life cycle management

Since 2015, Recab is a part of the Swedish technology trading group Addtech.


Recab Sweden – Main Office
Västberga Allé 5
SE – 126 30 Hägersten
Phone: + 46 8 683 03 00


Recab AB
126 30 Hägersten
VAT nummer: SE5566767967


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